RHS students are presenting in our newly designed Integrated Humanities 20 course. Great job students and teachers! #Raiders #pbl #ntn

It's finally arrived. The student video everyone has been waiting for has been uploaded to YouTube. Please use the link: https://youtu.be/sLsLm5sJCJ8

What a great first week at RHS! Excited for the year to come! #RAIDERS #macbook1:1 #pbl

Day 2 of using the new MacBooks at RV Jr. High. Our teachers and students are so excited!!!

New MacBooks have been officially rolled out to Juniors and Seniors tonight! Looking forward to seeing the Freshman and Sophomores on Thursday! What a great day to be a Raider!

RHS students are hard at work on day two of our school-wide project. Great things are happening at RHS! #Raiders

RHS Parents and Students, don't forget MacBook Orientation for Juniors/Seniors on Tuesday (8/16) @ 5:30 pm.

RHS students have officially kicked off the 2016-2017 school year in project-based learning mode. #Raiders

The 2016-2017 RHS football team are celebrating their hard efforts in preparing for the upcoming season. Support them with your attendance at our home games!

Attention Parents! There are still ABC Pre-School slots available the 2016-2017 school year at our Riverview-Judsonia Campus. For more information contact, Stacy Ridings at 501-278-9479.

Great sounds are coming from the RHS band. Please join us throughout the year to support these rising musicians!

RHS Parents and Students, please see the information below regarding our MacBook Initiative.

RHS Parents and Students, please see the information below regarding our MacBook Initiative.

Reminder to RHS/RJHS students and parents: Open House will begin at 6pm tonight in the high school gym. Come see our wonderful staff, pick up your schedules, and kick off a new, exciting school year!

RHS teachers are up early this morning learning how to meet our students where they are. We value our students!

Excited to see all Riverview Math teachers working with Dr. Griffith to enhance math instruction across our district! Great work teachers!

Riverview School District will hold Open House from 6:00pm-8:00pm on the following dates: Riverview-Kensett Aug 8th, Riverview Jr/Sr High Aug. 9, Riverview-Judsonia Aug.11.

Riverview High School will have NEW student registration on Thursday, August 4th from 8-4. Contact the school for any questions.

RHS teachers spending their summer preparing for a great school year, at home and at NTAC.

RHS teachers spending their summer preparing for a great school year, at home and at NTAC.