RHS students are presenting in our newly designed Integrated Humanities 20 course. Great job students and teachers! #Raiders #pbl #ntn
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
It's finally arrived. The student video everyone has been waiting for has been uploaded to YouTube. Please use the link: https://youtu.be/sLsLm5sJCJ8
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
What a great first week at RHS! Excited for the year to come! #RAIDERS #macbook1:1 #pbl
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Day 2 of using the new MacBooks at RV Jr. High. Our teachers and students are so excited!!!
over 8 years ago, Coach Hill
New MacBooks have been officially rolled out to Juniors and Seniors tonight! Looking forward to seeing the Freshman and Sophomores on Thursday! What a great day to be a Raider!
over 8 years ago, Riverview School District
RHS students are hard at work on day two of our school-wide project. Great things are happening at RHS! #Raiders
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
RHS Parents and Students, don't forget MacBook Orientation for Juniors/Seniors on Tuesday (8/16) @ 5:30 pm.
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
RHS students have officially kicked off the 2016-2017 school year in project-based learning mode. #Raiders
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
The 2016-2017 RHS football team are celebrating their hard efforts in preparing for the upcoming season. Support them with your attendance at our home games!
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Attention Parents! There are still ABC Pre-School slots available the 2016-2017 school year at our Riverview-Judsonia Campus. For more information contact, Stacy Ridings at 501-278-9479.
over 8 years ago, Riverview School District
Great sounds are coming from the RHS band. Please join us throughout the year to support these rising musicians!
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
RHS Parents and Students, please see the information below regarding our MacBook Initiative.
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
RHS Parents and Students, please see the information below regarding our MacBook Initiative.
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Reminder to RHS/RJHS students and parents: Open House will begin at 6pm tonight in the high school gym. Come see our wonderful staff, pick up your schedules, and kick off a new, exciting school year!
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
RHS teachers are up early this morning learning how to meet our students where they are. We value our students!
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Excited to see all Riverview Math teachers working with Dr. Griffith to enhance math instruction across our district! Great work teachers!
over 8 years ago, Riverview School District
Riverview School District will hold Open House from 6:00pm-8:00pm on the following dates: Riverview-Kensett Aug 8th, Riverview Jr/Sr High Aug. 9, Riverview-Judsonia Aug.11.
over 8 years ago, Riverview School District
Riverview High School will have NEW student registration on Thursday, August 4th from 8-4. Contact the school for any questions.
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
RHS teachers spending their summer preparing for a great school year, at home and at NTAC.
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell
RHS teachers spending their summer preparing for a great school year, at home and at NTAC.
over 8 years ago, Justin Luttrell